Friday, January 14, 2011


"I mean, I don't even know what to say? Why don't you call me? I don't's just not going to happen. And I hate it. He's amazing..but I just don't think it's the right time or place." I complained to Grace over IM.

"I think I'm going to take 6 months off from dating. Seriously."

"You can do it!" Grace responds. "Unless you get swept off your feet. And then you'll be married not dating."

"Maybe it will be a writing project," I continued.

"6 months of single."

"Singledom is for the birds," Grace continues. "Singledom sucks, you know it's true,"

"I hate it" I reply.

"It blows. BLOWWWWWWWWWWWS." Grace confirms.


But maybe that's excatly why I need it.

I am not going to get laid for 6 months.

I've done it before. Not often. But it's possible.


How does one start this process? By purging the iPhone of all single male contacts? By initiating rules about responses and alcohol consumption?

I have to think of these things.

Responses to dinner invites. Pat answers for lunch and coffee outings.

It's not that I don't have enough to do - my days are filled with work, toddlers, dogs, houses, laundry, running.

It's the night train that comes creeping...comes calling like a siren, beckoning to flirt and text and call...

I'm not exactly sure why I juggle these people, situations, dates, texts...but I think being without them for 6 months will certainly show me something about myself.

6 months is 180 days...

6 months is July 16th...

Let's see what happens when left to my own devices.

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